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DVD releases of classic shows

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I've been noticing a disturbing trend among studios that release DVD sets of classic tv shows. One of the most audacious examples I've seen is CBS/Paramount's release of The Fugitive, Season 2 Volume 1. Now, as many fans of classic tv know, the musical score of The Fugitive borrowed heavily from stock libraries and other tv shows such as The Twilight Zone and The Outer Limits. Unfortunately the studio execs have, in their infinite wisdom, decided to mutilate season 2 of The Fugitive by either cutting out incidental music altogether, or replacing it with some synthesizer garbage done in someone's basement. This has left a bad taste in the mouths of many fans, including myself, especially since I'm able to see the untouched version of The Fugitive on RTN. What most studio execs fail to realize is that film and television, like any form of art, should not be monkeyed around with in an attempt to save a buck. Imagine my pleasant surprise to hear familiar cues from The Outer Limits in episodes of The Fugitive, only to realize that these wonderful selections will most likely be ommitted from future DVD releases.


Unfortunately the tampering with classic tv is not limited to The Fugitive. In season 2's DVD set of The Greatest American Hero, a song in the episode "Operation: Spoilsport" called "Eve of Destruction" is completely cut out, and general muzak is put in its place. Apparently, Anchor Bay never even watched the episode itself, since not only is the song essential to the movement of the plot, but William Katt himself actually mentions the title of the song several times.


Future releases of classic tv shows have me worried. For example, CBS/Paramount's recent release of The Invaders contains a fine print disclaimer on the back of the DVD set stating that episodes are not as originally aired. Unfortunately this generality could mean virtually anything, from silencing the music track to blurring out brand names in select episodes. Fortunately, it seems less likely that the music track to The Invaders will be silenced, since music was composed by Dominic Frontiere (who incidentally did the score for The Outer Limits as well), and should consist of mostly original music. However, I advise anyone who is considering purchasing DVD sets of classic shows to read all reviews of said DVD sets on sites like Amazon.com. Fortunately many loyal and astute fans have noticed the same things I have, and have shared this with the online community. It's sad when, current television seems to be getting worse, releases of classic shows onto DVD do not actually have the COMPLETE show. Many fans like myself find classic television replacing current television during primetime, and it's insulting when studios release classic shows only to edit them just so they don't have to pay for the rights to use certain elements in the shows. I know I would be more than willing to pay a little more for a DVD set that includes every element of the show as it originally aired.

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I totally agree! It borders on blasphemy for tv fans. I was watching a few Greatest American Hero episodes a few weeks ago on dvd and realized that the songs had been replaced! Needless to say, I was more than a bit peeved. I even had a friend who'd also watched ask me why the title of the song was mentioned when that was obviously not the song that was playing! I had to explain the whole issue with Anchor Bay not paying for the rights to the songs.


I would pay extra to get unaltered versions of the episodes. Do these companies not realize that we want the show as it aired, not something less? I would even forego any dvd bonuses/extras they'd want to add if they just took that money and put it into making sure the episodes were presented in their original form, music and all.

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ARGH!!! I just heard they did this to WKRP too! Do you know how many songs they'd have to replace? It's a friggin' radio station! I bet they butchered the show. I guess I'll just have to either wait til they come to their senses and they offer an unedited version on dvd or I'll record it off tv if I ever find it running on any channel.


Can they throw us avid tv fans a friggin' bone here?

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No, they probably will. Their cheapness knows no bounds. TV series like The Wonder Years with all of its songs have virtually no chance of being released, or if they are they'll be butchered. What is the matter with these people...I'd be more than willing to pay a little more for a complete set of a series.

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