“JJ Starbuck” is a classic 1980s television series that revolves around the life of J.J. Starbuck, a charming and unconventional billionaire who decides to use his wealth to help those in need. Portrayed by Dale Robertson, J.J. Starbuck uses his wit and resources to solve crimes and assist ordinary people in dire situations. With his unorthodox methods and team of talented individuals, Starbuck tackles a variety of cases, often crossing paths with law enforcement while staying one step ahead of his adversaries. This light-hearted crime drama offers an entertaining blend of adventure, humor, and intrigue.
Table of Contents
Broadcast History
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Network: NBC
Broadcast: 1987-1988
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Regulars & Guest Stars
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Theme Song / Opening Credits
There was 1 season and 16 episodes of J. J. Starbuck. We have not completed an episode guide for J. J. Starbuck yet.
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